Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia

Instituto de Psicologia
Campus Gragoatá - Niterói/RJ



Computer Resources

The Graduate Program in Psychology owns a Computer Laboratory with 24 computers, mostly with Linux Operating System, in addition to 1 multifunctional printer and 2 laser printers. The Psychology Institute also has offices for professors equipped with computers and an auditorium prepared for videoconferencing.

The SLAB (Subjectivity Laboratory) has three technicians who support the Program’s portal, videoconferences, in addition to ensuring equipment maintenance.

The Program’s WEB page presents information about the course, selection processes and faculty. It has a link with the general website of the Universidade Federal Fluminense, with its Facebook page, and its own publications on the Youtube channel. It also includes a good part of the bibliographic production of the professors published in the Fractal Magazine and in the “Laboratories and Research Groups” and the student production (Theses and Dissertations) published through the links in “Production”, which, from now on, will also appear in UFF–RIUFF’s Institutional Repository.



The Library used by PGP is the Gragoatá Central Library (BCG).

BCG specializes in the following areas: Anthropology, Archival, Arts, Library Science, Information Science, Cinema, Social Communication, Education, Physical Education, Media Studies, Philosophy, History, Journalism, Letters, Language, Literature, Politics, Cultural Production, Psychology, Advertising and Propaganda, International Relations, Social Work, and Sociology.

BCG’s collection consists of more than 200,000 items, including: Books, Periodicals, Theses and Dissertations, Course Conclusion Works, Sheet Music, Multimedia, etc. The Library also has in its collection Special Collections and an important Collection of Rare/Ancient Works.

In 2015, with the support of the Graduate Program in History (PPGH), the library received financial support from FAPERJ, for the updating of the bibliographic collection with the amount of R$ 175,000.00. The acquired collection is mostly e-books serving the large area of Human and Social Sciences.




Financial resources

PGP has a PROAP budget and a fundraiser, derived from the amount paid by candidates when they register for the selection process. The money is used to support the organization of events, participation of professors and students in national events, payment of tickets and per diem for members of boards from other states, support for the publication of professors, and purchase of consumables for the secretariat and for ongoing research in the Program. Also with this amount, PGP acquires consumables for the Informatics Laboratory, and gives financial support to the periodical Fractal: Revista de Psicologia.

In 2015, part of this money was allocated to the publishing of three books by the program’s professors. In 2016, an equally important part of the budget was destined to the production of books, individual or collective, authored by our professors and their networks. This initiative is justified by the need to publicize our research.

In addition, the PROAP grant is also used to support the FRACTAL magazine, linked to the program.

The management of PGP funds is done by the collegiate. There is a budget committee responsible for organizing PPG’s annual spending demands and presenting proposals and policies for the management of funds to the board. The course coordinator is a natural member of the budget committee.


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