Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia

Instituto de Psicologia
Campus Gragoatá - Niterói/RJ

Functioning of the Graduate Course – Doctorate

The master’s program has as its area of concentration “Subjectivity Studies”, articulating the lines of research developed by the PhD professors of the Department of Psychology. This area of concentration unfolds into two main lines of research: Clinic and Subjectivity; Subjectivity, Politics and Social Exclusion.

The doctoral student must complete at least 97 credits, totaling 1455 hours. You can take advantage of up to 1/3 of the total credits to be fulfilled from subjects and activities taken in other graduate programs, excluding those related to the final work.

The basic core of mandatory subjects consists of 4 (four) disciplines, totaling 13 credits, in which the doctoral students dialogue about their specific research objects. The program foresees the beginning of the orientation activity in the first term, aiming at a constant follow-up of the mentee. The presence of the advisor is intended to assist in the choice of optional subjects in view of the research theme of the doctoral student, in addition to promoting the immediate engagement with the individual research project in order to enable the completion of the course within 48 (forty-eight) months. In addition to the credits dissertation writing, there are credits for the orientation courses, which are 8 (eight).

The Research Methodology subject integrates master’s and doctoral students, thus allowing a dialogue in the program through the articulation of dissertation and dissertation projects. The discipline works through group discussion of ongoing research work.

Students funded by Capes, in the Seminar on Teaching-Research Integration II (mandatory), will develop the Teaching Internship, being awarded 4 credits corresponding to 120 hours/class (theoretical and practical credits). Non-scholarship students may develop other activities, equivalent to teaching, in order to complete the credits in this subject. It is important to emphasize that, in order to carry out such activities, the doctoral student, under the supervision of the advisor, must prepare a project, to be submitted to the appreciation and deliberation of the Teaching Internship Committee and the Graduate Collegiate, respectively.

The Research Seminar I discipline works through the collective orientation of the work in progress. Thus, the doctoral student must present and discuss with the class, under the supervision of a professor, the text related to their dissertation.

In order to complete the credit related to the Research Seminar II subject, the doctoral student must prepare, with the supervision of the supervisor, a scientific article to be submitted for evaluation in an indexed journal.

In the core of optional subjects, the master’s student must attend at least 3 subjects and complete at least 09 (nine) credits.

The total number of credits to be fulfilled must be at least 97 (ninety-seven) credits, totaling 1455 class hours (one thousand, four hundred and fifty-five class hours).

The course lasts 48 months.

Activities Credits Workload
T P / TP ES/TO Total
Mandatory Subjects
13 6 4 23 345
3 Optional Subjects 9 9 135
8 Dissertation Orientation Subjects 8 8 120
Dissertation Preparation 57 57 855
Total       97 1455

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