Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia

Instituto de Psicologia
Campus Gragoatá - Niterói/RJ

Functioning of the Graduate Degree – Master Course

The master’s program has as its area of concentration “Subjectivity Studies”, articulating the lines of research developed by the PhD professors of the Department of Psychology. This area of concentration unfolds into two main lines of research: Clinic and Subjectivity; Subjectivity, Politics and Social Exclusion.

The basic core of compulsory subjects consists of 5 (five) subjects, totaling 16 credits. In addition to the orientation subjects. The Research Methodology discipline integrates master’s and doctoral students, which favors the compatibility of different research projects with the basic guidelines of the program. The Master’s Seminar I subject aims to monitor the development of projects through collective discussion. In the Master’s Seminar II subject, the pre-board will be organized, composed of a teacher, a student and the supervisor. The pre-board has the purpose of discussing the text of the thesis and preparing the defense itself. Simultaneously, the program foresees the beginning of the individual orientation activity in the first academic period.

For students with a Capes scholarship, the Teaching Internship is mandatory, which must be carried out in the discipline of Seminar on Teaching-Research Integration I. For non-scholarship students, the course allows for the payment of credits based on practical activities, equivalent to teaching. To take this course, the student must submit a project, with the consent of the supervisor, to the teaching internship committee and to the collegiate. In the core of optional subjects, the master’s student must attend at least 3 subjects and complete at least 09 (nine) credits.

The list of optional subjects is the same for both lines of research.

The Clinical and Contemporary Subjectivity course, mandatory for the Clinic and Subjectivity line, is optional for the Subjectivity, Politics and Social Exclusion line.

The Subjectivity and Social Exclusion course, mandatory for the Subjectivity, Politics and Social Exclusion line, is optional for the Clinic and Subjectivity line.

The master’s student must pay at least 59 credits, totaling 885 hours, including the credits/hours related to the defense of the master’s thesis. The course lasts for 24 months.

 Activities  Credits  Workload
 T  P / TP ES/TO  Total
 5 Mandatory Subjects  16  6  4  26  390
 3  Optional Subjects  9      9  135
 4 Thesis Orientation Subjects  4      4  60
 Credits for writing the thesis  20      20  300
 Total        59  885

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