Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia

Instituto de Psicologia
Campus Gragoatá - Niterói/RJ



Given our goals, we hope that our graduates have skills and competences related to teaching, research and social intervention. The political and epistemological conceptions of master’s and doctoral training have close affinities. In the Doctorate, we invest in the researcher’s greater autonomy and in his/her ability to coordinate research groups. However, we also maintain special attention, with policies and actions, to the training of masters and doctors for teaching in Higher Education.

Competencies related to research activities:

– Being able to produce knowledge based on the principle that knowing and transforming social reality are two inseparable aspects of research in the field of subjectivity studies. Thus, we expect the technical and bibliographic production of the graduates to be strongly characterized by social inclusion;

– Being able to do field research with method, organization and data analysis with the development of participatory methods of intervention and research, in which researchers encourage the protagonism of populations that collaborate in the production of knowledge;

– Being able to carry out bibliographic research, access existing databases and develop critical reasoning regarding the material collected.

Skills related to teaching activities:

– Being able to teach in higher education subjects that are part of the field of subjectivity studies, showing competence in drawing up lesson plans, organizing the contents taught based on the transdisciplinary character that marks this field; knowing the methods of exposure, debate dynamics and participation in the production of knowledge in the classroom;

– Being able to design and execute programs for training and development of people, whether in the public or private sector;

– Being able to evaluate research processes and products in the area;

– Being able to teach basic education in subjects that are part of the field of subjectivity studies, showing competence in developing methodologies for contextualized teaching.

Skills related to intervention actions

It is expected that the graduate will be able to promote social interventions, articulating theory and practice, in areas that touch the field of subjectivity studies, among which we highlight: clinical practice; work relationships; education; health; social movements.

The cognitive training policy affirms the connection between the competences for research and extension, affirming the inseparability between knowledge and social intervention.


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